Courage – For All?

by Dec 16, 2024Office News

During the celebration of the life of our friend and former partner David Munn, I paid him tribute. I summed up his life with the word “courageous”.  David was resolute, tenacious and had a sense of purpose.  Those of you who knew David would agree that he was an exceptional person.

Later I reflected on my own life.  Could I have the characteristics displayed by David?  Could I be described as courageous?  My journey of discovery went as follows.

I enquired as to the characteristics of courage.  I like the Merriam-Webster definition of “having mental or moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear or difficulty.”  I have observed people like David who stand up for what they believe.

I then enquired as to why I should be courageous.  My answer is that we live in a world that requires courage.  In our world we are subject to many influences that are not good for us.  It often takes courage to resist them.  Often against popular opinion.  There are many events that occur in our community, nation and world that lead to fear. Martin Luther King Jr stated, “ We must build dikes of courage to hold back the flood of fear”.  Why not be proactive if we believe we can contribute to making our community and nation a better place?  We should enter purposeful conversations to challenge ideas and activities that are not good for our society.  Often such conversations require courage.  In our world where the only constant is change,  it often takes courageous leadership to adapt to change.  Leaders need to review the circumstances.  Then determine how to produce the best outcome despite their actions may be difficult or unpopular.

How will I become courageous?   I turned my mind back to David.  David’s life was based firmly on his Christian faith.  His faith gave him a purpose that provided him with strength to enable him to be courageous.  There are many references in the Bible which confirm that relying on God for strength will lead to having courage.  Examples of courage have existed ever since the beginning of human life as recorded in the Bible.  As we look forward to Christmas, we should reflect on the courage of the characters who surround the birth of Christ.  Mary who courageously believed the angel’s message that she would fall pregnant with a child who did not have an earthly father.  Joseph, Mary’s husband, courageously accepted the responsibility of caring for his wife who was pregnant with a child that was not his despite public ridicule.  The three Maji, or wise men, from the east who courageously disobeyed Herod and did not advise him of the whereabouts of Christ.  Joseph who courageously obeyed God’s command to take his family to Egypt and become refugees to avoid Christ’s certain death at the hands of Herod. Our world would have become a different place if these individuals had not acted with courage.

As we reflect on 2024 and look forward to 2025 will you determine to act courageously in all circumstances?  Will you stand up for what you believe is right?  Will you enter purposeful conversations which lead to positively challenging others?  Those of you in leadership, will you adopt to change and make courageous decisions?    Will all of us act with courage to make a better world?  I believe that courage is available for all.

We at Gaze Burt wish you the peace and joy available from the hope in the birth of Christ, and a new year full of courage and satisfaction.



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