Farewell to David and Les

by Dec 16, 2024Office News

Gaze Burt has this year bid farewell to two long-standing and highly respected leaders of the firm – a final farewell to David Munn after his passing away earlier this year, and a farewell from working life to Les Allen as he begins his retirement.

David retired from legal practice in 2020 and passed away in July after a battle with cancer.  It was a real tribute to David, to see so many attend his funeral and to hear the tributes from his close-knit family.  During his legal career, David served an enormous number of clients and causes – always giving his absolute best and setting a very high standard as to the intellectual rigour, diligence and compassion that this job requires.  David was one of the pioneers of franchising law and loved his involvement in that community.  He holds the record as the longest-serving partner in Gaze Burt’s nearly 100-year history and served as managing partner for several years.  He mentored a great many lawyers, with patience and genuine care for their well-being.  David’s loss is keenly felt, but we take comfort from knowing he is with the Lord he loves. 

Les’s legal career began in the late 1970’s after a stint in an accounting practice.  By the end of 1986 he was a partner of Gaze Bond Munn and Allen, alongside David.  When that firm merged with Burt Moodie Goold and Francis he became one of the founding partners of Gaze Burt.  He completed a Master of Taxation in 1992 – demonstrating inexplicable fascination for an area of law many lawyers prefer to avoid.  Les’s talent for accounting and finance, alongside his legal skills, stood him in good stead throughout his long career.  He was instrumental in helping the firm through a difficult period in the 1990’s, reinforcing a reputation for absolute integrity and trustworthiness, and became a deeply respected advisor, board member and trustee for many of the firm’s clients.   Perhaps because of this reputation, Les was trusted by both clients and other law firms to assist with highly complex (and, dare we say it, sometimes frustrating or ridiculous) matters requiring a highly-tuned sensitivity to the law and human character paired with commercial pragmatism and a wry sense of humour.  Some of the stories Les can tell, beggar belief. 

Les’s five children are highly talented and creative.  Les’s own creativity was for several years channelled into the writing of a novel involving corporate greed, merciless Auckland lawyers, an ex-SAS private investigator and a small-town New Zealand lawyer.  If That’s What it Takes is a great read and we look forward to the sequel. 

Within Gaze Burt, Les’s reputation as a patient and supportive mentor is second to none.  The universal refrain from both experienced and junior staff members is that, regardless of what was happening, Les would be calm and reassuring.  His humorous quips and wry observations have regularly brought laughter to our city office.  

Les retired in November, to spend more time with his precious wife, children and grandchildren.  His team remains with Gaze Burt – now led primarily by Anne Chamley (who joined us as a director at Les’s recommendation) and Michael Bright.  Gaze Burt wishes Les and the Allen family well and we look forward to continuing our friendship with them.



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